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Jungle Love: Why Rainforests Are Important

Anybody who has ever visited one know there’s something special about the jungle. But why are rainforests important? Not just for local people and wildlife, but for the health of our planet? The Earth was originally packed with these regions, which are centered around the equator. They’re usually full of low-hanging vines, vibrant greenery, brilliantly colored … Continued

The Best Travel Blogs for Couples

The best travel blogs all have a few things in common. For one, they manage to be both informative and inspiring, striking a delicate balance between education and entertainment. For another, they have a charming inclusive quality that encourages readers to get out and explore this big, beautiful world of ours. Perhaps most importantly, they have … Continued

17 Top Travel Blogs to Follow in 2017

The travel blogging field has exploded exponentially over the past decade. What began as a simple way for a few adventurous souls to share their journeys with friends and family has become a lucrative industry. These days, the best travel blogs are transforming the way people travel. As a result of this rapid growth, there are tens … Continued

Islands and Elephants in Thailand

More and more frequently, issues surrounding the exploitation of animals are being brought to public eye. Massive organizations like Sea World and TripAdvisor have recently made major changes as a result of outspoken animal activism. This critical lens has extended to travelers, who face many ethical choices when they travel abroad. Riding Elephants in Thailand … Continued

Top 10 Things to Do in Costa Rica for Families

In its first week, the new U.S. administration has already removed all references to Climate Change from its website and is openly looking to sell off drilling rights in National Parks and other public lands to the highest bidder. So the responsibility of parents to educate their children on the importance of nature and wildlife conservation has never been … Continued

UN Declares 2017 The Year of Sustainable Tourism

The phrase “sustainable tourism” has received a lot of attention in the last couple of years, as concerns over climate change increase and travelers become more aware of their contributions to that change. But in 2017, the buzzword will gain even more visibility, thanks to the United Nation’s decision to deem this the International Year of … Continued