Discover Corps Blog

Best Time to Visit: A Travel Guide for Every Season [Infographic]

When planning a vacation many travelers are also expert researchers. How many minutes is the second layover? Does the hotel have 4 or 5 stars? and especially, Is breakfast included? This information is valuable, but knowing when to travel is just as important. So to help the cause, we studied the best time to visit each of the must-see destinations … Continued

Letter from the Editor: This Year, Give the Present of Being Present

“This reduction in stressors will free your family up to the lost art of single tasking.” It’s crunch time! Don’t look at your calendar now, but Christmas Day is starting to come into focus, friends. We’ve officially entered the holiday season mayhem. You know the routine. During this time of the year, event invitations pile … Continued

What Does Pura Vida Mean to You?

The popular expression pura vida is as synonymous with Costa Rica as the abundant wildlife and picturesque beaches that make up this small tropical country. If you’ve never visited this part of Central America, there’s a good chance the phrase (“pure life” in English) is new to you, but those that have spent time here know … Continued

40 Crazy Travel Facts

Travel can be many things: scary, profound, educational, and sometimes, life-changing. It can also be quite surprising. Accordingly, we scoured the internet and found 40 crazy travel facts. Enjoy!

Top Family Reunion Ideas to Top All Others

The people will always make the place. For as much as world-class vacation packages can promise to entertain and impress, experienced travelers know that even the globe’s greatest destinations are really only as memorable as the family or friends you elect to bring along with you. The recipe for a truly unforgettable vacation calls not … Continued

[Infographic] Sea Turtle Nesting and Hatching Seasons in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, home to fascinating wildlife such as gibbons, sloths, toucans, jaguars, and of course, sea turtles. Unfortunately, the population of Costa Rican sea turtles has declined by 90% since 1980. Sea turtles face myriad threats such as boat traffic, domestic animals, climate change, accidental catch … Continued

What Does it Mean to be a UNESCO World Heritage Site?

Travelers, adventurers, and tourists alike have all heard of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. They’re usually considered gorgeous “must-visit” places, especially if you are looking to get to know a different country. But what is a UNESCO world heritage site, really? How do they earn that status, and why should they be protected? Believe it … Continued