Discover Corps Galleries

What’s the Point of Volunteering Abroad?

A few weeks ago, we received an interesting comment on our post “Do Volunteer Vacations Do More Harm Than Good?” The commenter noted: “You don’t address the issue of money spent making the trip as opposed to simply donating money to an indigenous charity working directly with the people.” And it’s a great point. Many … Continued

Think the Holidays Are Too Commercial? Read This

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the materialism of the holidays? If so, you’re not alone. Amidst the endless advertisements and shopping trips, it can sometimes seem like we’ve forgotten the true meaning of the season. There is, however, reason to believe that the spirit of giving is still alive and well in the United … Continued

Meet Andrew: The Founder of Discover Corps

Welcome to our next Discover Corps profile! This time, we’re introducing you to the man himself: Andrew Motiwalla. He’s our fearless leader here at Discover Corps, constantly inspiring us with his adventurous spirit and passion for service. In this profile, he’ll tell you all about his experience with the Peace Corps, which had a profound … Continued

9 Inspirational Travel Books to Give as Last-Minute Gifts

Even if you can’t travel abroad this holiday, you can always escape with a book. And if you need a last-minute gift, there’s nothing better: they’re cheap, easy-to-wrap, and available at any bookstore. (Shop locally if you can!) Below, we share nine books that would make a fantastic gift for the traveler in all of … Continued

How to Prepare Your Kids for a Volunteer Vacation

Winter break is right around the corner, which means we’re about to host lots of family trips with school-aged children — and we can’t wait! As you know, we love family volunteer vacations because they’re educational AND fun. If you’re about to embark on your first family volunteer vacation (or trip abroad, for that matter), … Continued

Meet Catherine, Who Traveled & Volunteered in Tanzania with Her Family

Welcome to our next Discover Corps profile! Last time, we introduced you to Alex, a Discover Corps travel specialist who talked about his passion for people and travel. This week, we’re excited to share the story of Catherine, who, along with her husband and two college-aged daughters, took a Discover Corps volunteer vacation in Tanzania. Since then, she’s even started … Continued

10 Things We’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Traveling to a developing country can be many things: exhilarating, eye-opening, scary, joyful, and challenging, to name a few. But there’s one emotion that is almost certain to surface after a trip abroad, and it’s gratitude. This gratitude-inducing quality is one of the things that makes experiential travel so powerful; it makes you appreciate what … Continued