Discover Corps Blog

Meet Catherine, Who Traveled & Volunteered in Tanzania with Her Family

Welcome to our next Discover Corps profile! Last time, we introduced you to Alex, a Discover Corps travel specialist who talked about his passion for people and travel. This week, we’re excited to share the story of Catherine, who, along with her husband and two college-aged daughters, took a Discover Corps volunteer vacation in Tanzania. Since then, she’s even started … Continued

10 Things We’re Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Traveling to a developing country can be many things: exhilarating, eye-opening, scary, joyful, and challenging, to name a few. But there’s one emotion that is almost certain to surface after a trip abroad, and it’s gratitude. This gratitude-inducing quality is one of the things that makes experiential travel so powerful; it makes you appreciate what … Continued

Meet Alex: Discover Corps Travel Specialist

Every other Thursday on The Volunteer Traveler blog, we’re going to bring you behind-the-scenes profiles of the people and places at the heart of Discover Corps: our staff in the US and abroad, our partner organizations, and our former travelers. We’re confident their stories and insights will educate, entertain, and inspire you. This week, we’re pleased to introduce Alex … Continued

Yes, You Need to Unplug — Here’s How

When’s the last time you escaped — either with your mind or your body? When’s the last time you weren’t tethered to your cell phone and your email, your thoughts constantly interrupted by their pings? If you’re like most of us, you probably can’t remember when. Technology is a wonderful thing, but it’s become overwhelming … Continued

Do Volunteer Vacations Do More Harm Than Good?

You’ve probably heard of a “volunteer vacation” before. And you might have wondered if they really do any good. After all, what impact can an unskilled person have on a week or two during their holidays? What does some couple from suburban America know about community development?

Ethics of International Volunteerism

This video highlights many of the challenges of international volunteerism.  It boils down to what is your intention and what is the intention of the organization you’re traveling with.  For Discover Corps, we are quite clear that our travelers are not going to be “development experts” in a week or two.  

Thailand Illuminates this November

Mark your calendars! Thailand’s annual Loi Krathong & Yi Ping festivals will take place in the beginning of November during the National Peace Corps Association’s Next Step Travel trip operated by Discover Corps. These are festivals that dot the bucket lists of many travelers and cultural enthusiasts alike. Imagine the sky filled with lanterns gently floating … Continued