Discover Corps Blog

What a Volunteer Vacation in Guatemala Is Really Like

We love being able to give you an inside glimpse into our immersive journeys of culture and service. Most recently, we shared a vivid illustration of what a typical day on a volunteer vacation looks like. Now, we want to give you a detailed look at the day-to-day activities, excursions, and feelings that could occur on a volunteer … Continued

A Vivid Illustration of a Typical Day on a Volunteer Vacation

Do you dream of volunteering abroad, helping to enrich the lives of others while also enriching your own? If so, you may wonder what you’d actually be doing all day. Sure, the idea sounds lovely — but what would you be seeing, thinking, and feeling? Though everybody’s experience is different, we’d like to help you … Continued

The 29 Best Baby Boomer Travel Blogs for 2015

There are all sorts of travel blogs out there — from adventure to backpacker to family — but what about baby boomer travel blogs? Though they’re a little bit harder to find, they do exist — and they ROCK. At Discover Corps, 75% of our travelers are over the age of 50. To put it … Continued

Are Volunteer Vacations Sustainable?

Volunteer vacations are becoming more popular as people realize that — now more than ever — we live in an interconnected world. And it’s clear we can learn from each other culturally and create lasting relationships through volunteering abroad. But how sustainable are volunteer vacations? Do these types of trips help the planet — or hurt it? When done … Continued

Meet Travis: Protector of the Pacific in Costa Rica

For lovers of nature — and especially the ocean — there’s nothing like Costa Rica. And if you’re as passionate about it conservation we are, there’s nothing like our Costa Rica volunteer vacations: Protecting the Pacific. This trip, however, wouldn’t be anything without our in-country staff; so today, we’re delighted to introduce you to Travis, who … Continued

5 Steps to Make Your New Year’s Travel Resolution a Reality

As the new year approaches, it’s common to set goals you want to achieve. According to Health Magazine, one of the top goals on new year’s resolution lists is to travel more. Perhaps you’ve fantasized about being that impulsive adventurer, or considered giving your time to a cause by volunteering abroad. Whatever trip you envision … Continued

What’s the Point of Volunteering Abroad?

A few weeks ago, we received an interesting comment on our post “Do Volunteer Vacations Do More Harm Than Good?” The commenter noted: “You don’t address the issue of money spent making the trip as opposed to simply donating money to an indigenous charity working directly with the people.” And it’s a great point. Many … Continued

Think the Holidays Are Too Commercial? Read This

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the materialism of the holidays? If so, you’re not alone. Amidst the endless advertisements and shopping trips, it can sometimes seem like we’ve forgotten the true meaning of the season. There is, however, reason to believe that the spirit of giving is still alive and well in the United … Continued

Meet Andrew: The Founder of Discover Corps

Welcome to our next Discover Corps profile! This time, we’re introducing you to the man himself: Andrew Motiwalla. He’s our fearless leader here at Discover Corps, constantly inspiring us with his adventurous spirit and passion for service. In this profile, he’ll tell you all about his experience with the Peace Corps, which had a profound … Continued